2010 Recipient of the Robert Maynard Hutchins Award
"Dr. Dear-Healey is the recipient of the 2010 Robert Maynard Hutchens Award presented by The Drake Group. The Robert Maynard Hutchins Award is given annually to faculty or staff members who take a courageous stand to defend academic integrity at their institutions, often risking job security in doing so. The Drake Group members were inspired by Hutchins’ commitment to academic freedom, and know that Hutchins would have shared their concern that critics of commercial college sport have sometimes been targets of direct or indirect pressure for merely upholding basic academic principles. Part of The Drake Group mission is to come to the defense of such people."
Robert Maynard Hutchins was the President of the University of Chicago from 1929 to 1951, where he defended the liberal arts, and opposed the rampant commercialization of college football which, in his view, undermined the core values of higher learning.
Hutchins led the Commission on Freedom of the Press (1946), and vigorously defended academic freedom, opposing faculty loyalty oaths in the 1950s. He was also a strong supporter of the rights of minorities and women. Hutchins died in 1977.
My heartfelt gratitude to those who supported me:
“I wish more faculty had to courage to stand up and voice their displeasure about athletics taking a primary place in universities over academics.” Jason Lanter, Ph.D., Kutztown University
“Thank you for doing the honourable thing. I don’t know whether I’d have your courage. I’d like to hope so.” Thomas J. Scotto, Ph.D., University of Essex
“I am disgusted that you have been hurt for sticking up for your principles and the integrity of our degrees (and) hate that any BU student would be robbed of the experience of learning from you while the President, Athletic Director and Coaching Staff all continue to draw checks and the only victims are the student athletes they used and discarded and most heinously.” Tommy Lee II (former student)
“You are a ray of hope in this frustrating battle to ensure that college athletes receive a quality education. Clearly, there is much work to be done but unless we begin by telling the truth then nothing will happen in the future.” Bruce B. Svare, Ph.D., SUNY Albany
"I just read the report. You were right (we all knew it) and they said so! Congrats! Sorry you had to go through all this." Annonymous Colleague at Binghamton University
“Thank you for doing the honourable thing. I don’t know whether I’d have your courage. I’d like to hope so.” Thomas J. Scotto, Ph.D., University of Essex
“I am disgusted that you have been hurt for sticking up for your principles and the integrity of our degrees (and) hate that any BU student would be robbed of the experience of learning from you while the President, Athletic Director and Coaching Staff all continue to draw checks and the only victims are the student athletes they used and discarded and most heinously.” Tommy Lee II (former student)
“You are a ray of hope in this frustrating battle to ensure that college athletes receive a quality education. Clearly, there is much work to be done but unless we begin by telling the truth then nothing will happen in the future.” Bruce B. Svare, Ph.D., SUNY Albany
"I just read the report. You were right (we all knew it) and they said so! Congrats! Sorry you had to go through all this." Annonymous Colleague at Binghamton University